Our Story

American Citizens of Polish Decedent's Club - aka: Newmarket Polish American Club, The Polish American Club and the PAC
Although we go by many names you will often here us referred to as the PAC for short.

About Our Organization:

Established in 1923. Founded to help the local Polish population assimilate to American culture, offering support and a gathering place to new Polish-Americans in our area. We remain dedicated to helping our local community with a vested interest in helping the established population of Polish descent. Our members band together with local charities and benefits for the betterment of our community. We are the place you visit with your friends after work and on the weekends. The place to network with other members, and the place to relax and enjoy the sports bar. Our club is private, but Polish Descent is not a requirement to be a member of our club.

Board of Directors, President, Vice President, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Recording Secretary

We have a dedicated Team of Responsible Members who are on our Board of Directors Committee who meet weekly to discuss Club Business. Our Board of Directors, President, Vice President, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Recording Secretary and Business Manager along with our Club Members work to uphold our fraternal organizations values and ensure our by-laws are followed in a consistent manner for the betterment of the community and it's members.


Many or our long time Standing Members have lived in the Town of Newmarket or nearby area, they have long time local ties as Polish American Citizens. However, being a member of the our club does not mean you need to be of Polish Descent. This has long been a local myth that we would like to change. We are welcoming all local citizens of the area to come and join our club. The requirements are that you be 21 years of age, pay your membership dues on time and remain a good standing member by following our by-laws.

How we Help our Community

We have our hands in many community events. We encourage and help out as much as the club can within the community.

Organizations and Great Community Events we are involved or have been involved with:

  • End 68 Hours of Hunger - http://www.end68hoursofhunger.org/find-your-community/new-hampshire/newmarket/
  • Scholarships for two Newmarket Club Member's Graduating Seniors to help with high education costs
  • Other Community Sponsorships (childrens baseball, dart teams, etc.)
  • Holding Benefits for families of members who may come into hard times: benefits for members families if a member passes unexpectedly, benefits to help sick members.
Play Keno 603 at the Polish Club

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